
Paper models, photos and musings of a Paper Kosmonaut

20 November 2011

(almost) ready for launch - again

A small update.
Even though I haven't been able to build anything 3D-ish, in my head I started to think of a new project again. What happened on PM really got me off the creative flow I was into. I decided to leave "Maria" for what it is for now. I have the feeling it is jinxed, unfortunately. And I usually am not superstitious.

I reset my thoughts on Skylab once again. No what-if, just a historical diorama in about 1/300. No concrete building plans yet, I just started the research phase again. Hopefully in the next week or so, I will have some more ideas on which kit(s) I will be using. At this moment I am looking up pictures and making drawings of how I want it to look. More of that later, too.
I really hope this isn't a false start again. I Feel a bit as if I'm in a vacuum.


  1. Hi Jasper.
    Good luck. Ik hoop dat de resultaten al snel.

    Nu terwijl ik het bouwen Srtauss Blue Danube luisteren. Kunt u raden waarom?

    Zoli vriend

  2. Listening to Strauss' Blue Danube... Might that be a certain fictitious Pan Am craft? leaving a certain circular space station? Say, in the year 2001?(that's one I'd like to build one day, too...)

    THanks for the encouragement. I still have only done more reading and deeper research on the subject. I also have yet to decide the scale...

  3. Hi
    Now I made ​​one UHU Discovery. Old plan, produced in pairs with Boeing IMIS.

    Deploy an interesting sight of the two realistic fantasy. But the idea of ​​Pan Am Orion plain like.

    The Won Braun space station is planned ..


    And an interesting retro 1950 A Space Odyssey

    Sincerely, Zoli


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