
Paper models, photos and musings of a Paper Kosmonaut

22 January 2012

"Crevasse" #7


Instant update!

I really am in a nice flow. The whole diorama ended up in the oven and after half an hour I took it out and gave the parts a dab of paint. And ta-dah! It doesn't look like rock any more. Especially after I dusted some gypsum powder over the still wet paint it got that powdery snow effect I was hoping for. Even after blowing off residual powder there still remained enough to keep the effect. Even in the crevasse it looks like fresh powdery snow that just caved in. Even the Sno-Cat already looks totally right even though it still lacks its tracks. Now I think I'll call it a day concerning this build.


  1. Hi Jasper

    Very nice, "Baked cravesse"

    The Mass was on such a dry white or dyed as well?

    (I worked in paper manufacturing, simpler masse beer mat, tray or egg.)


  2. Hi Merzo, The mass was grey when dried up so I had to paint it white. Those beer mats and egg trays, what did they use for medium of keeping the pulp together? And did they use heat for drying?
    The smell of baking pulp in the oven actually was a pleasant one!


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